Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Update//UPR Strike 2010

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

'No,' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.'
'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.'
'No,' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.'
'No' says Milhouse, 'it belongs to me.'

Yep, using a bastardized Andrew Ryan quote to start off an update to this blog. Currently, there is a massive system wide strike in the University of Puerto Rico due to various reason, but mostly due to student and academia unrest regarding the following:

  • Massive budget cuts onto the operating budget of the system
  • The possible elimination of certain 'exenciones' or student breaks for students in Athleticism, Arts and raising the minimum GPA for Honor.
  • Violations to the employee-employer agreements between the Central Administration and the Professors and non-academia Employees.
For anyone reading this, please keep informed. I may not have voted in the assembly but I am pro the strike because some of the planned reductions hinder the development of students.

att. the penguin