This little fella here (coincidentally dressed in my campus' track & field uniform is brought to you by Animals Wearing Pants)
With the final tally of college: 4 me: 1, I am currently studying my ass off to try and salvage this semester with at least one A in English Literature and a B on Business Law (Me mangó el Evangelio según Changó! is the best way to summarize why I got a D on the last test) and Federal Tax (I need a B or more on the final, easier said than done). Ever get that feeling that you study so hard and when you get to the test, you just kill it and when it comes back you get a D/F? If you have, congrats, we're on the same page, unknown reader.
Maybe I was distracted too much by other things that weren't academically related, creepy-guy in REHU group, not enough balance between studying-sleeping-drawing comics, PARO/STRIKE, just putting it out there. But fuck it.
TV season review (SPOILERS BE HERE):
House: Just plain awesome. My favorite episodes overall were the season openers Broken and Wilson. Least favorite parts where the Huddy-Lucas thing (Lucas is a great character, don't ruin him) and the self-righteous speech Cameron gave before leaving (You are just as broken and tainted as Chase, STFU)
CSI: Miami: Um, mixed feelings in this fall season (that hasn't concluded, mind you). Plus sides: there is a breath of humor in the show plus more CSI-ing than drama (Horatio+Lab Equipment=Love), Jesse seems very normal-ish (ie not so Gary Stu) but that is subject to change. Minus side: Calleigh & Delko, more specifically the way she's flirting with Cardozza...even though she's in a relationship with Eric. This woman is jumping on men like some dumb broad with a blood bag on one hand and Alpo Bites in the other <---wow, this is the 2nd time I've compared her to Twilight, that's not good. I meant to put in a David Caruso joke here but damn.
Fringe: I love this show. Period. I missed a couple of episodes by watching The Jeff Dunham Show (only skits I actually like are Walter's and Achmed's).
Last Sunday and Monday, watched SyFy's Alice and I found it very enthralling. Maybe I'm biased because I enjoy Alice in Wonderland a little too much. Kathy Bates as the Queen was deliciously evil, the Hatter was a fine mess, and Charlie the White Knight was just plain insane and awesome.
Not much left to say but Happy Holidays!
att. the penguin who is cramming for her Tax and Human Resources finals like nobody's business.
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