By week two, all of my professors finally arrived and gave the students the groundwork, i.e. I'm fucked. The only prof I have a problem with is the FINA 3107 who is super insistent on getting the latest edition of the textbook and speaks WAY too fast (I can hear my knuckles crack). The REHU prof sounds really nice and a livewire to boot. The DEME prof is interesting but I have to disagree on his views of external conception, especially in vitro; he sees that as an aberration to nature but I see it as a chance for those couples to have a child...the rest are pretty good.
This weekend I found Rule of Rose on the local Gamestop for $20 so I decided to buy it with gift money my grandmother gave me (ie couldn't find the Coach Sneakers :( ). Long story short, I got my ID asked...Conversation goes as follows;
Store Clerk-Welcome to Gamestop! What'll it be?
Me-Just this *presents game*
SC-Are you 17 or older?
Me-Yep...are you coming on to me? >D
SC-Nope, what's your age?
SC-Okay, I need your ID to verify.
Me-Say what? *deer in headlights* Ok...let me *looks in backpack and realizes she left her wallet in the backseat of her car from buying gas* HOLY SHIT! HOLD MY BAG! *goes running to the far side of the parking lot and returns*
Me-*out of breath* Here you go! *presents Driver's and University ID*
SC-Dude, where did you park?!
Me-*catching breath* Bank.
Turns out the storeclerk's from Rio Piedras...go fig. They said there was an opening for Christmas vacation so I'll be sending in my resume soon! I REALLY want to work there because it's close to home and I can wake up late and still get there on time.
Anyways, I hope to add a lineart/sketches section to my site since most of the work I have is just that until at least 70% of my classwork is done for the month.
Enough blogging; time for me to go back to reading INGL 3251 materials (Quiz tomorrow)!
att. the penguin who is has a slight existential crisis due to the event just discussed
Kingdom Keepers: The Return Series Covers
5 years ago
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